Low male production at the world’s largest green turtle rookery.
The ontogeny of sea turtle hatchling swimming performance.
The gut bacterial microbiota of sea turtles differs between geographically distinct populations.
A method for the collection of early-stage sea turtle embryos.
Synchronised nesting aggregations are associated with enhanced capacity for extended embryonic arrest in olive ridley sea turtles.
Advances in the biology and conservation of marine turtles.
of marine turtles. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6, 9. doi:10.3389/fmars.2019.00009
Within-colony spatial segregation leads to foraging behaviour variation in a seabird.
Molecular analysis of predator scats reveals role of salps in temperate inshore food webs.
Calling phenology of a diverse amphibian assemblage in response to meteorological conditions.
Calling phenology of a diverse amphibian assemblage in response to meteorological conditions.
A 20-year investigation of declining leatherback hatching success: implications of climate variation
When is embryonic arrest broken in turtle eggs?
The physiological response and immediate mortality of gillnet-caught blacktip reef sharks, Carcharhinus melanopterus.
Using logbook data to determine the immediate mortality of sharks caught by commercial US pelagic longlines
Temperature Insensitivity and Behavioural Reduction of the Physiological Stress Response to Longline Capture by the Gummy Shark, Mustelus antarcticus.
Short-and long-term consequences of developmental saline stress: impacts on anuran respiration and behaviour.
Moving from measuring to predicting bycatch mortality: predicting the capture condition of a longline-caught pelagic shark.
The adenylate energy charge as a new and useful indicator of capture stress in chondrichthyans.
Fine-scale dietary changes between the breeding and non-breeding diet of a resident seabird.
Selective foraging within estuarine plume fronts by an inshore resident seabird.