[P], vol 65, issue 5, CSIRO Publishing, Australia, pp. 396-399. Doi:10.1071/MF13198
Habitat loss, fragmentation and degradation effects on small mammals: analysis with conditional inference tree statistical modelling
Johnstone, C., Lill, A., Reina, R., 2014, Habitat loss, fragmentation and degradation effects on small mammals: analysis with conditional inference tree statistical modelling, Biological Conservation [P], vol 176, Elsevier BV, Netherlands, pp. 80-98. Doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2014.04.025
Linking dietary shifts and reproductive failure in seabirds: a stable isotope approach
Kowalczyk, N.D., Chiaradia, A., Preston, T.J., Reina, R., 2014, Linking dietary shifts and reproductive failure in seabirds: a stable isotope approach, Functional Ecology [P], vol 28, issue 3, Wiley-Blackwell, United States, pp. 755-765. Doi:10.1111/1365-2435.12216
Reproductive investment compromises maternal health in three species of Freshwater Turtle
Rafferty, A., Scheelings, T., Foley, L.J., Johnstone, C., Reina, R., 2014, Reproductive investment compromises maternal health in three species of Freshwater Turtle, Physiological and Biochemical Zoology [P], vol 87, issue 3, University of Chicago Press, United States, pp. 411-419. Doi:10.1086/675310
The influence of temperature on embryonic developmental arrest in marine and freshwater turtles
Rafferty, A., Reina, R., 2014, The influence of temperature on embryonic developmental arrest in marine and freshwater turtles, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology [P], vol 450, Elsevier BV, Netherlands, pp. 91-97. Doi:10.1016/j.jembe.2013.10.018
Limited oxygen availability in utero may constrain the evolution of live birth in reptiles
Rafferty, A., Evans, R.G., Scheelings, T., Reina, R., 2013, Limited oxygen availability in utero may constrain the evolution of live birth in reptiles, American Naturalist [P], vol 181, issue 2, University of Chicago Press, Chicago USA, pp. 245-253. Doi: 10.1086/668827
Providing research-focused work-integrated learning for high achieving science undergraduates
Papakonstantinou, T., Charlton-Robb, K., Reina, R., Rayner, G.M., 2013, Providing research-focused work-integrated learning for high achieving science undergraduates, Asia – Pacific Journal of Cooperative Education [E], vol 14, issue 2, Asia-Pacific Journal of Cooperative Education, New Zealand, pp. 59-73.
Arrested embryonic development: a review of strategies to delay hatching in egg-laying reptiles
Rafferty, A., Reina, R., 2012, Arrested embryonic development: a review of strategies to delay hatching in egg-laying reptiles, Proceedings of the Royal Society – Biological Sciences (Series B) [P], vol 279, issue 1737, Royal Society, London England, pp. 2299-2308.Doi: 10.1098/rspb.2012.0100
Depredation by harbor seal and spiny dogfish in a Georges Bank gillnet fishery
Rafferty, A., Brazer Jr, E.O., Reina, R., 2012, Depredation by harbor seal and spiny dogfish in a Georges Bank gillnet fishery, Fisheries Management And Ecology [P], vol 19, issue 3, Wiley-Blackwell, Malden USA, pp. 264-272. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2400.2011.00837.x
Does habitat fragmentation cause stress in the agile antechinus? A haematological approach
Johnstone, C.P., Lill, A., Reina, R., 2012, Does habitat fragmentation cause stress in the agile antechinus? A haematological approach, Journal Of Comparative Physiology B-Biochemical Systemic And Environmental Physiology [P], vol 182, issue 1, Springer, Dordrecht Netherlands, pp. 139-155. Doi:10.1007/s00360-011-0598-7
Immediate and delayed effects of gill-net capture on acid-base balance and intramuscular lactate concentration of gummy sharks, Mustelus antarticus,
Frick, L., Walker, T.I., Reina, R., 2012, Immediate and delayed effects of gill-net capture on acid-base balance and intramuscular lactate concentration of gummy sharks, Mustelus antarticus, Comparative Biochemistry And Physiology A-Molecular & Integrative Physiology [P], vol 162, issue 2, Elsevier Science, New York USA, pp. 88-93. DOI: 10.1016/j.cbpa.2011.02.023
Interpreting indices of physiological stress in free-living vertebrates
Johnstone, C., Reina, R., Lill, A., 2012, Interpreting indices of physiological stress in free-living vertebrates, Journal Of Comparative Physiology B-Biochemical Systemic And Environmental Physiology [P], vol 182, issue 7, Springer, Heidelberg Germany, pp. 861-879. Doi: 10.1007/s00360-012-0656-9
Larval tolerance to salinity in three species of Australian anuran: an indication of saline specialisation in Litoria aurea
Kearney, B.D., Byrne, P.G., Reina, R., 2012, Larval tolerance to salinity in three species of Australian anuran: an indication of saline specialisation in Litoria aurea, PLoS ONE [P], vol 7, issue 8, Public Library Science, San Francisco USA, pp. 1-6. doi DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0043427
Multiple distant origins for green sea turtles aggregating off Gorgona Island in the Colombian Eastern Pacific
Amorocho, D.F., Abreu-Grobois, A.F., Dutton, P.H., Reina, R., 2012, Multiple distant origins for green sea turtles aggregating off Gorgona Island in the Colombian Eastern Pacific, PLoS ONE [P], vol 7, issue 2, Public Library Science, San Francisco USA, pp. 1-12.
Embryonic death is linked to maternal identity in the Leatherback Turtle (Dermochelys coriacea)
Rafferty, A., Tomillo, P., Spotila, J., Paladino, F., Reina, R., 2011, Embryonic death is linked to maternal identity in the Leatherback Turtle (Dermochelys coriacea), PLoS ONE [P], vol 6, issue 6, Public Library of Science, San Francisco USA, pp. 1-7. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0021038
Response of the agile antechinus to habitat edge, configuration and condition in fragmented forest
Johnstone, C., Lill, A., Reina, R., 2011, Response of the agile antechinus to habitat edge, configuration and condition in fragmented forest, PLoS ONE [P], vol 6, issue 11, Public Library Science, San Francisco USA, pp. 1-15. Doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0027158
Sex ratios of leatherback turtles: hatchery translocation decreases metabolic heating and female bias
Sieg, A.E., Binckley, C.A., Wallace, B.P., Tomillo, P.S., Reina, R., Paladino, F.V., Spotila, J.R., 2011, Sex ratios of leatherback turtles: hatchery translocation decreases metabolic heating and female bias,Endangered Species Research [P], vol 15, Inter-Research, Germany, pp. 195-204. Doi: 10.3354/esr00372
Compensatory growth in tadpoles after transient salinity stress
Squires, Z.E., Bailey, P.C., Reina, R., Wong, B.B.M., 2010, Compensatory growth in tadpoles after transient salinity stress, Marine and Freshwater Research [P], vol 61, issue 2, CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood Vic Australia, pp. 219-222. Doi:10.1071/MF09123
Distribution of leukocytes as indicators of stress in the Australian swellshark, Cephaloscyllium laticeps
Van Rijn, J., Reina, R., 2010, Distribution of leukocytes as indicators of stress in the Australian swellshark, Cephaloscyllium laticeps, Fish and Shellfish Immunology [E], vol 29, issue 3, Academic Press Ltd – Elsevier Science Ltd, London England, pp. 534-538. Doi: 10.1016/j.fsi.2010.04.016
Fine scale biologging of an inshore marine animal
Preston, T.J., Chiaradia, A., Caarels, S., Reina, R., 2010, Fine scale biologging of an inshore marine animal, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology [P], vol 390, issue 2, Elsevier Science BV, Amsterdam Netherlands, pp. 196-202. Doi: 10.1016/j.jembe.2010.04.034
Global research priorities for sea turtles: Informing management and conservation in the 21st century
Hamann, M., Godfrey, M.H., Seminoff, J.A., Arthur, K., Barata, P.C.R., Bjorndal, K.A., Bolten, A.B., Broderick, A.C., Campbell, L.M., Carreras, C., Casale, P., Chaloupka, M., Chan, S.K.F., Coyne, M.S., Crowder, L.B., Diez, C.E., Dutton, P.H., Epperly, S.P., FitzSimmons, N.N., Formia, A., Girondot, M., Hays, G.C., Cheng, I.J., Kaska, Y., Lewison, R., Mortimer, J.A., Nichols, W.J., Reina, R.D., Shanker, K., Spotila, J.R., Tomas, J., Wallace, B.P., Work, T.M., Zbinden, J., Godley, B.J., 2010, Global research priorities for sea turtles: Informing management and conservation in the 21st century, Endangered Species Research [P], vol 11, issue 3, Inter-Research ESR, Germany, pp. 245-269. Doi:10.3354/esr00279
Impact of anthropogenic habitat fragmentation on population health in a small, carnivorous marsupial
Johnstone, C., Reina, R., Lill, A., 2010, Impact of anthropogenic habitat fragmentation on population health in a small, carnivorous marsupial, Journal Of Mammalogy [P], vol 91, issue 6, American Society of Mammalogists, USA, pp. 1332-1341. Doi: 10.1644/10-MAMM-A-034.1
Stress related physiological changes and post-release survival of Port Jackson sharks (Heterodontus portusjacksoni) and gummy sharks (Mustelus antarcticus) following gill-net and longline capture in captivity
Frick, L., Reina, R., Walker, T.I., 2010, Stress related physiological changes and post-release survival of Port Jackson sharks (Heterodontus portusjacksoni) and gummy sharks (Mustelus antarcticus) following gill-net and longline capture in captivity, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology [P], vol 385, issue 1-2, Elsevier Science BV, Amsterdam Netherlands, pp. 29-37. Doi: 10.1016/j.jembe.2010.01.013
Trawl capture of port jackson sharks, Heterodontus portusjacksoni, and gummy sharks, Mustelus antarcticus, in a controlled setting: Effects of tow duration, air exposure and crowding
Frick, L., Walker, T., Reina, R., 2010, Trawl capture of port jackson sharks, Heterodontus portusjacksoni, and gummy sharks, Mustelus antarcticus, in a controlled setting: Effects of tow duration, air exposure and crowding, Fisheries Research [P], vol 106, issue 3, Elsevier Science BV, Amsterdam Netherlands, pp. 344-350. DOI: 10.1016/j.fishres.2010.08.016
Changed reproductive schedule of eastern Pacific leatherback turtles Dermochelys coriacea following the 1997-98 El Nino to La Nina transition
Reina, R., Spotila, J.R., Paladino, F.V., Dunham, A., 2009, Changed reproductive schedule of eastern Pacific leatherback turtles Dermochelys coriacea following the 1997-98 El Nino to La Nina transition,Endangered Species Research, vol 7, Inter-Research, Germany, pp. 155-161. Doi:10.3354/esr00098
Flipper bands modify the short-term diving behavior of little penguins
Fallow, P., Chiaradia, A., Ropert-Coudert, Y., Kato, A., Reina, R., 2009, Flipper bands modify the short-term diving behavior of little penguins, Biological Conservation [P], vol 73, issue 8, Journal of Wildlife Management , pp. 1348-1354. Doi: 10.2193/2008-146
The physiological response of Port Jackson Sharks and Australian Swellsharks to sedation, gill-net capture, and repeated sampling in captivity
Frick, L., Reina, R., Walker, T.I., 2009, The physiological response of Port Jackson Sharks and Australian Swellsharks to sedation, gill-net capture, and repeated sampling in captivity, North American Journal Of Fisheries Management [P], vol 29, American Fisheries Society, USA, pp. 127-139. Doi:10.1577/M08-031.1
Anthropogenic influence on an urban colony of the little penguin eudyptula minor
Giling, D.P., Reina, R., Hogg, Z., 2008, Anthropogenic influence on an urban colony of the little penguin eudyptula minor, Marine and Freshwater Biology, vol 59, issue 7, CSIRO, Melbourne Vic Australia, pp. 647-651. Doi: 10.1071/MF08003
Environmental deterioration increases tadpole vulnerability to predation
Squires, Z., Bailey, P.C., Reina, R., Wong, B.B.M., 2008, Environmental deterioration increases tadpole vulnerability to predation, Biology Letters, vol 4, issue 4, Royal Society, UK, pp. 392-394. Doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2008.0144
Foraging behaviour of little penguins Eudyptula minor in an artificially modified environmen
Preston, T.J., Ropert-Coudert, Y., Kato, A., Chiaradia, A., Kirkwood, R., Dann, P., Reina, R., 2008, Foraging behaviour of little penguins Eudyptula minor in an artificially modified environment, Endangered Species Research, vol 4, Inter-Research, Germany, pp. 95-103. Doi:10.3354/esr00069
Intake passage time, digesta composition and digestibility in East Pacific green turtles (Chelonia mydas agassizii) at Gorgona National Park, Colombian Pacific
Amorocho, D.F., Reina, R., 2008, Intake passage time, digesta composition and digestibility in East Pacific green turtles (Chelonia mydas agassizii) at Gorgona National Park, Colombian Pacific, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, vol 360, issue 2, Elsevier, Netherlands, pp. 117-124. DOI: 10.1016/j.jembe.2008.04.009. DOI: 10.1016/j.jembe.2008.04.009
Feeding ecology of the East Pacific green sea turtle Chelonia mydas agassizii at Gorgona National Park, Colombia
Amorocho, D., Reina, R.D., 2007, Feeding ecology of the East Pacific green sea turtle Chelonia mydas agassizii at Gorgona National Park, Colombia, Endangered Species Research, vol 3, Inter-Research, Germany, pp. 43-51. Doi:10.3354/esr003043
Maternal investment in reproduction and its consequences in leatherback turtles
Wallace, B.P., Sotherland, P.R., Tomillo, P.S., Reina, R.D., Spotila, J.R., Paladino, F.V., 2007, Maternal investment in reproduction and its consequences in leatherback turtles, Oecologia, vol 152, issue 1, Springer Verlag, Germany, pp. 37-47. Doi: 10.1007/s00442-006-0641-7
Ontogeny of energetics in leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea) and olive ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea) sea turtle hatchlings
Jones, T.T., Reina, R.D., Darveau, C., Lutz, P.L., 2007, Ontogeny of energetics in leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea) and olive ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea) sea turtle hatchlings, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A, vol 147, Elsevier Science Inc., New York NY USA, pp. 313-322. Doi: 10.1016/j.cbpa.2006.09.013
Reassessment of the leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) nesting population at Parque Nacional Marino Las Baulas, Costa Rica: Effects of conservation efforts
Tomillo, P.S., Velez, E., Reina, R., Piedra, R., Paladino, F.V., Spotila, J.R., 2007, Reassessment of the leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) nesting population at Parque Nacional Marino Las Baulas, Costa Rica: Effects of conservation efforts, Chelonian Conservation and Biology, vol 6, issue 1, Chelonian Research Foundation, USA, pp. 54-62. Doi:10.2744/CCB-0789.1
Synchronized group association in little penguins, Eudyptula minor
Daniel, T.A., Chiaradia, A., Logan, M.D., Quinn, G.P., Reina, R., 2007, Synchronized group association in little penguins, Eudyptula minor, Animal Behaviour, vol 74, Academic Press, UK, pp. 1241-1248. Doi: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2007.01.029
The effect of the El Nino Southern Oscillation on the reproductive frequency of eastern Pacific leatherback turtle
Saba, V.S., Tomillo, P.S., Reina, R.D., Spotila, J.R., Musick, J.A., Evans, D.A., Paladino, F.V., 2007, The effect of the El Nino Southern Oscillation on the reproductive frequency of eastern Pacific leatherback turtles, Journal of Applied Ecology, vol 44, issue 2, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford England, pp. 395-404. Doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2664.2007.01276.x
Effects of salinity on the survival, growth and development of tadpoles of the brown tree frog, Litoria ewingii
Chinathamby, K., Reina, R.D., Bailey, P.C., Lees, B.K., 2006, Effects of salinity on the survival, growth and development of tadpoles of the brown tree frog, Litoria ewingii, Australian Journal of Zoology, vol 54, issue 2, CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood Vic Australia, pp. 97-105. Doi: 10.1071/ZO06006
Egg components, egg size, and hatchling size in leatherback turtles
Wallace, B.P., Sotherland, P.R., Tomillo, P.S., Bouchard, S.S., Reina, R.D., Spotila, J.R., Paladino, F.V., 2006, Egg components, egg size, and hatchling size in leatherback turtles, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part A, vol 145, Elsevier Science Inc., New York NY USA, pp. 524-532. DOI: 10.1016/j.cbpa.2006.08.040
Seasonal metabolism of juvenile green turtles (Chelonia mydas) at Heron Island, Australia
Southwood, A.L., Reina, R.D., Jones, V.S., Speakman, J.R., Jones, D.R., 2006, Seasonal metabolism of juvenile green turtles (Chelonia mydas) at Heron Island, Australia, Canadian Journal of Zoology, vol 84, issue 1, NRC Research Press Web, Ottawa Canada, pp. 125-135. Doi: 10.1139/z05-185
Effect of egg location and respiratory gas concentrations on developmental success in nests of the leatherback turtle
Ralph, C.R., Reina, R.D., Wallace, B.P., Sotherland, P.R., Spotila, J.R., Paladino, F.V., 2005, Effect of egg location and respiratory gas concentrations on developmental success in nests of the leatherback turtle, Dermochelys coriacea, Australian Journal of Zoology, vol 53, issue 5, CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood Vic Australia, pp. 289-294. Doi: 10.1071/zo04062
Respiratory frequency, dive behaviour and social interactions of leatherback turtles, Dermochelys coriacea during the inter-nesting interval
Reina, R.D., Abernathy, K.J., Marshall, G.J., Spotila, J.R., 2005, Respiratory frequency, dive behaviour and social interactions of leatherback turtles, Dermochelys coriacea during the inter-nesting interval,Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, vol 316, issue 1, Elsevier, Amsterdam Netherlands, pp. 1-16. Doi: 10.1016/j.jembe.2004.10.002
Biotic and abiotic factors affect the nest environment of embryonic leatherback turtles, Dermochelys coriacea
Wallace, B.P., Sotherland, P.R., Spotila, J.R., Reina, R.D., Franks, B.F., Paladino, F.V., 2004, Biotic and abiotic factors affect the nest environment of embryonic leatherback turtles, Dermochelys coriacea,Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, vol 77, issue 3, University Chicago Press, Chicago USA, pp. 423-432. Doi: 10.1086/420951
Nest site fidelity of leatherback turtles at Playa Grande, Costa Rica
Nordmoe, E.D., Sieg, A.E., Sotherland, P.R., Spotila, J.R., Paladino, F.V., Reina, R.D., 2004, Nest site fidelity of leatherback turtles at Playa Grande, Costa Rica, Animal Behaviour, vol 68, Elsevier Ltd., London England, pp. 387-394. Doi: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2003.07.015
Size, growth, and reproductive output of adult female leatherback turtles Dermochelys coriacea
Price, E.R., Wallace, B.P., Reina, R.D., Spotila, J.R., Paladino, F.V., Piedra, R., Velez, E., 2004, Size, growth, and reproductive output of adult female leatherback turtles Dermochelys coriacea, Endangered Species Research, vol 5, Inter-Research, Germany, pp. 1-8. Doi: 10.3354/esr001041
Low reproductive success of leatherback turtles, Dermochelys coriacea, is due to high embryonic mortality
Bell, B.A., Spotila, J.R., Paladino, F.V., Reina, R.D., 2003, Low reproductive success of leatherback turtles, Dermochelys coriacea, is due to high embryonic mortality, Biological Conservation, vol 115, issue 1, Elsevier, Oxford England, pp. 131-138. Doi: 10.1016/S0006-3207(03)00102-2
Seasonal diving patterns and body temperatures of juvenile green turtles at Heron Island, Australia
Southwood, A.L., Reina, R.D., Jones, V.S., Jones, D.R., 2003, Seasonal diving patterns and body temperatures of juvenile green turtles at Heron Island, Australia, Canadian Journal of Zoology, vol 81, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa Canada, pp. 1014-1024. Doi:10.1139/Z03-081
Nesting ecology of the leatherback turtle, Dermochelys coriacea, at Parque Nacional Marino Las Baulas, Costa Rica: 1988-1989 to 1999-2000
Reina, R.D., Mayor, P.A., Spotila, J.R., Piedra, R., Paladino, F.V., 2002, Nesting ecology of the leatherback turtle, Dermochelys coriacea, at Parque Nacional Marino Las Baulas, Costa Rica: 1988-1989 to 1999-2000, Copeia, vol 3, American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, New York NY USA, pp. 653-664.
Salt and water regulation by the leatherback sea turtle Dermochelys coriacea
Reina, R.D., Jones, T.T., Spotila, J.R., 2002, Salt and water regulation by the leatherback sea turtle Dermochelys coriacea, Journal of Experimental Biology, vol 205, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 1853-1860.
Dermochelys coriacea, exhibits both polyandry and polygyny
Crim, J.L., Spotila`, L.D., Spotila, J.R., O’Connor, M., Reina, R.D., Willams, C.J., Paladino, F.V., 2002, The leatherback turtle, Dermochelys coriacea, exhibits both polyandry and polygyny, Molecular Ecology, vol 11, Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford UK, pp. 2097-2106. Doi: 10.1046/j.1365-294X.2002.01591.x
The effects of nest environment on calcium mobilization by leatherback turtle embryos (Dermochelys coriacea) during development
Reina, R.D., Spotila, J.R., Paladino, F.V., 2001, The effects of nest environment on calcium mobilization by leatherback turtle embryos (Dermochelys coriacea) during development, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, vol 130, Elsevier Science, New York NY USA, pp. 151-162. Doi: 10.1016/S1095-6433(01)00374-9
Blood flow in the lachrymal salt gland of the green turtle, Chelonia mydas
Reina, R.D., 2000, Blood flow in the lachrymal salt gland of the green turtle, Chelonia mydas, Journal Comparative Physiology B, vol 170, Springer-Verlag, New York NY USA, pp. 573-580. Doi:10.1007/s003600000136
Control of salt gland activity in the hatchling green sea turtle, Chelonia mydas
Reina, R.D., Cooper, P.D., 2000, Control of salt gland activity in the hatchling green sea turtle, Chelonia mydas, Journal of Comparative Physiology B, vol 170, Springer-Verlag, New York NY USA, pp. 27-35. Doi: 10.1007/s003600050004
Pacific leatherback turtles face extinction
Spotila, J.R., Reina, R.D., Steyermark, A.C., Plotkin, P.T., Paladino, F.V., 2000, Pacific leatherback turtles face extinction, Nature, vol 405, Nature Publishing Group, London UK, pp. 529-530. Doi:10.1038/35014729